News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
From WWII to present day – How food and medicine got totally corrupted by Big Government, Big Ag and Big Pharma
Most Americans have no clue about the deep-seeded levels of corruption inside our regulatory agencies, including the AMA, FDA, CDC, and the EPA. Insidious racketeering and scheming began before World War II, and powerful U.S. industrialists carefully planned and plotted health Ponzi schemes utilizing dangerous chemicals, from spraying our crops to canning our food, and […]
By S.D. Wells
Which gives you cancer sooner: Cigarettes or deli meats? New research reveals they’re both Class 1-A carcinogens
Could eating processed foods, such as breakfast and deli meats, be detrimental to your health? Well, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the answer is yes. Research has shown that eating lunch meat, bacon, or sausage on a daily basis equates to smoking a pack of cigarettes each day and has a similar effect on […]
By S.D. Wells
Lactose intolerant? Top 7 root causes you’ve probably NEVER considered about WHY you have dairy allergies
Got milk allergies? We may know the real causes. First, consider some perturbing questions: Would you inject hormones into your muscle tissue right now if a television advertisement said it’s good for building muscles? Would you take antibiotics when you’re healthy, knowing they destroy good gut bacteria and could lower your immunity? Would you drink […]
By S.D. Wells
“What the Health” documentary film draws heavy criticism from quacks that shill for the meat, dairy and pharmaceutical industries
In today’s health world, conflicts of interest abound, such as the meat and dairy industries trying to show that animal fat consumption doesn’t matter – even paying for and performing their own biased and skewed research as “proof.” The “toxic” food industries literally pay for shill scientists and medical doctors — like “Dr. Z-Dog” — […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 carcinogenic food additives and ingredients BANNED nearly everywhere in the world except … wait for it … the United States of America
There’s one reason the United States has such loose regulations when it comes to allowing known carcinogens and health-crippling chemicals to be put in our most popular food products: It’s a big bread winner for the pharmaceutical industry. Why? It’s almost inevitable in America that once you start reeling from the effects of eating chemicals […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 6 ingredients the mass media says are BAD in food and products, but GOOD in vaccines
The human body is an amazing machine from day one. In three major ways, it naturally protects itself from many different kinds of dangerous situations regarding foreign agents that attempt to enter the body. Digestion is the process of breaking down food using heat, enzymatic and mechanical action so that essential components of that food […]
By S.D. Wells
Sports drinks exposed as BOGUS liquids that contradict effective workouts
Do you think you’re doing your body good by following a workout with your favorite sports drink? Think again. Though drinks like Gatorade and Powerade seem to promote the replacement of electrolytes and improved athletic performance, there is real science that has shown that these drinks are far from what your body needs to heal […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 INSANE ingredients in today’s vaccines that serve no purpose except to endanger the lives of those foolish enough to get injected
A person could try to scare you away from vaccines by telling you there are blood cultures in them that come from the organs of dogs, cows and chickens, but you might still think the scientists know what they’re doing and need those ingredients to “brew” the viruses and the bacteria they design to be […]
By S.D. Wells
Vaccine ingredient denialism at an all-time high in 2017
What if you found out that your child’s deadly allergy to peanuts was due to the fact that many vaccines are brewed in peanut oil, then injected into muscle tissue from the day of birth? If CNN and The Washington Post lied and told you it wasn’t true, but then you saw those very ingredients […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 food and medicine myths you probably fell for at some point
Everybody wants to be healthy, well-informed and financially free, but most of us receive the wrong advice, believe in popular myths, get sick from ridiculous illnesses that are totally preventable and curable, and then spend our money trying to get ourselves “fixed” by doctors who don’t understand a lick about nutrition. All this while we […]
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