News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Chemotherapy, flu shots, cigarettes and diet soda – what do all these have in common?
Are you living in a chemical matrix? Do you think the commercials on television for medications are real? Are you one of those people who believes cancer can be cured with a pill, a vaccine or a volatile chemical concoction that’s “dripped” into your blood? Are you that person who always says, “Everything in moderation,” […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 consumption habits that nearly guarantee chronic illness
Capitalism, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and well, the highest rates of chronic sickness in the world – welcome to America, home of the brave and land of the preventable disease epidemics. Let’s delve right into the grim statistics. According to the CDC’s very own statistics, more than 1,500 Americans will […]
By S.D. Wells
New data suggest Agent Orange causing horrific third generation birth defects Vietnam vets are passing to their grandkids
What’s the “Agent Orange curse?” True story: As veterans of the Vietnam war die off from cancer and other diseases and disorders they got from the incredibly toxic defoliant Agent Orange, the nightmare is not over, because research is revealing their children and grandchildren, who were never exposed to the pesticide, have birth defects that […]
By S.D. Wells
Hypocritical “vegetarians” who still eat chicken – what’s wrong with this picture?
They’re out there, all over the place–people trying to get healthy and claiming they’re vegetarians, or that they’re quitting meat, or quitting red meat, or they’re only eating fish now, but what’s worse is that some of them really believe that if they only eat chickens, they’re vegetarians. One major problem with these routines and […]
By S.D. Wells
Major molecular differences proven between GMO “Frankencorn” and non-GMO normal corn – serious safety implications revealed by new peer-reviewed study
Toxin-resistant GMO corn called NK603 produces its own toxic effects, according to recent research out of the King’s College in London. NK603 is corn that is immune to the toxic herbicide Roundup but is toxic itself, so what’s the use, and why have the manufacturers been lying to Americans for years saying that the genetic […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 causes of cancer and smart alternatives for prevention and healing
If you had been walking on sharp rocks and jagged shells all day, and a doctor told you to take some aspirin for the pain, would you go out the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that, and walk on those same rocks and shells, expecting the aspirin to “do […]
By S.D. Wells
Microwave ovens ‘fluke’ your heart while they ‘nuke’ your food – alarming studies reveal microwave frequency radiation can affect heart and blood
Many health conscious consumers rarely, if ever, microwave their food anymore, but when they do, they probably do not realize that they’re not just destroying the nutritional value of the food, but the “nuker” is negatively impacting their hearts. The typical microwave frequency radiation coming from “nukers” seen in the average American kitchen is more […]
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