News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
The truth about DIRTY VACCINES and the news about them that is scrubbed and censored from internet searches
Most people believe that whatever they search for on Google brings them back legitimate results, but when it comes to health and safety, with regards to food and medicine, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, there may not be any “medicine” in this world that’s more dangerous and damaging to short-and-long-term health […]
By S.D. Wells
JOE ROGAN interviews TRUMP: The likely next POTUS directly addresses NUTRITION and HEALTH
Bad health is trending in America. More than 50 percent of Americans are prediabetic or diabetic, 75 percent are overweight or obese, and one in every three Americans has some form of cancer. What president has ever addressed these health atrocities that are getting worse faster than ever, especially since the Covid clot shot roll […]
By S.D. Wells
INFLAMMATION NATION: 10 top culprits that drive chronic inflammation and ways to reverse it before serious damage sets in
Welcome to the USA, where most conventional foods, beverages, personal care products and allopathic medicines cause inflammation, the root cause of most diseases and disorders. Millions of Americans go to their doctor with health ills, get prescribed medications, get vaccines and all kinds of diagnostic tests run, only to find out years down the road […]
By S.D. Wells
Coincidence? POISONOUS VENOM side effects NEARLY IDENTICAL to prescription medication side effects and adverse events
Yes, Big Pharma uses deadly venom from poisonous animals to make prescription medications. This has been covered by Natural News previously, and since then Venom Tech has made their “library” unavailable to us common folks, but that won’t stop us from using our brains and resources to help natural health advocates realize what’s happening to […]
By S.D. Wells
Top reasons to AVOID AMERICAN BREAD like the plague
There are many reasons to limit your gluten intake, especially when it comes to the American way of processing and preserving bread, of all kinds. For starters, any food that enters the mouth and does not exit the intestines within 48 to 58 hours begins to become toxic to the body, no matter what it […]
By S.D. Wells
MOST HEALTH-DAMAGING OIL? Canola oil in most processed foods linked to rapid weight gain, early onset dementia, cancer
Canola oil is not equivalent to other oils, and this is an assumption made by millions of consumers across the globe. Many folks believe if they buy foods that contain organic canola, they are avoiding the health pitfalls they may have read or heard about conventional canola, but they are not. The main issue lies […]
By S.D. Wells
NO LOGIC: Top 5 toxic ingredients we’re told are BAD in FOOD and other products but GOOD in VACCINES
The main reason there is fluoride in tap water, canola oil in food and fake news on television is to keep the population’s cognition on a minimum level, so nobody uses logic to figure out they’re being duped daily. If the 270 million Americans who choose to get vaccinated with anything the CDC puts out […]
By S.D. Wells
Putin sees weakness in Western culture – and most Americans don’t realize it because they’re chronically sick and brain-numbed
The President of Russia passed a law in his country that any Russians caught growing or selling bioengineered foods in Russia, in other words, anything with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), shall be considered a terrorist. On top of this, Putin subsidizes and funds land for farmers who will grow crops organically. There is no glorifying […]
By S.D. Wells
DEAD HUMANS LIQUEFIED, then fed back to the population via fertilizer on crops
One could call it involuntary cannibalism, or you could use the term Soylent Green, from a classic dystopian film about humans being fed their own kind without their knowledge. Back in 2019, we were all warned. “Human composting” was legalized in the state of Washington in Bill 5001 entitled “Concerning human remains,” that legalized the […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 reasons for the SURGE in cross-dressing “trannies” and all this “pansexuality” spreading across America
What are “gay chemicals?” Can chemicals and drugs in food and medicine turn a boy into a girl, or just make a boy want to be a girl? What if these drugs and hormone disrupters make males want to have intercourse with other males? Just how much of these is the average American human child […]
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