News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 6 products hyped as healthy over the years that may be devastating to human health
One out of every three Americans is overweight, and half of those consumers are obese. One out of every three Americans will develop cancer in their lifetime. One out of every three Americans also have pre-diabetes. Over 30 million Americans have heart disease right now. The country is riddled with preventable diseases that barely existed […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 consumption habits where people forget to “weed out” GMO
Eating “GMO” daily means consuming bug killer and weed killer chemicals regularly. Genetically modified organisms are utilized heavily in conventional food products to make corporations more profits by using deadly chemicals and plant toxins to exterminate worms, beetles and weeds. These chemicals and toxins are inside the foods and also sprayed onto most of the produce […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 causes of cancer you most likely DON’T KNOW about yet
Unbelievably, billions of people around the globe think cancer is something you get because you’re genetically predisposed or just unlucky. Then, once they get it, they think the only chance they have to beat it is surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments. That’s the absolute worst choice they could ever make. Other people know they can […]
By S.D. Wells
FOOD QUIZ: How many of these 9 surprisingly common FOOD TOXINS do you consume regularly?
Millions of health advocates and enthusiasts are still “doing it wrong” when it comes to guarding their body as the temple of their soul, trying to prevent evil toxins from entering and doing chronic damage that leads to suffering and early death. Millions of consumers already know better than to ever consume MSG, aspartame, genetically […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 4 ways Americans CLOG their blood, driving complex health issues to the brink
Got memory fog, myocarditis, blood clots and a weight problem? The answer is in your hand, and your brain, and your blood supply. Are you suffering from new health problems you never had before you got vaccinated for COVID-19? There is something you need to know, and it’s not going to be in many history […]
By S.D. Wells
Research: Nicotine gum can keep you ADDICTED to nicotine while causing headaches, obesity, insulin resistance, heart disease and psychotic conditions
It’s called nicotine replacement therapy, but is it that? How many millions of people around the world are simply replacing one horrible nicotine addiction with another, when they switch to the nicotine gum from cigarettes, chew, dip, patches or vape? Nicotine gum is a $5 billion dollar market worldwide, and some leading manufacturers include pharma […]
By S.D. Wells
BLOODY SECRET: Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos want us eating LAB MEAT grown from the fetal blood of unborn baby cows
How can all the problems of factory farming be solved in one fell swoop? Just kill off most of the humans and there won’t be a need for breeding and feeding billions of cows, chickens, turkeys and pigs for slaughter. That’s the “bloody secret” among the eugenicists who are funding the genetically modified “cultured” lab-grown […]
By S.D. Wells
SHOCKER: True history and corruption of processed vegetable oils
Around the turn of the 20th century, Americans began switching from consuming animal fats to using processed vegetable oils, thanks to the machinery of the industrial revolution. Cottonseed oil was used to run agricultural machines before fossil fuels were discovered. Around that time, Procter and Gamble (P&G) figured out the hydrogenation process, a way to […]
By S.D. Wells
Hilarious: Coca Cola, Starbucks, McDonald’s closing all restaurants in Russia to protest Ukraine fighting, making Russians HEALTHIER
The best way to heal the body and stay healthy is to stop eating and drinking “junk science” food stuff like you get from McDonald’s, Starbucks and Coca Cola. Cut out that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), canola oil, GMO sugar and glyphosate, and the body can start healing right away. Well, American corporations may […]
By S.D. Wells
Illnesses intensified, compounded and exacerbated by COVID “vaccines”
Since U.S. medical doctors never blame vaccines for health problems, nary an American who suffers the health consequences of these horrible injections knows the real culprit. For decades now, vaccines have been known to contain an array of toxins that should never be injected into the human body. These contaminants bypass all of the body’s […]
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