News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
If the world’s most toxic products and vaccines had HONEST warning labels
If you are not a natural health advocate, you probably have no idea how to shop for actual healthy food, non-toxic personal care products or medicine that actually works and doesn’t complicate ailments or conditions needing treatment. If you’re not a natural health advocate, you have no clue to avoid the “corporate aisles,” that make […]
By S.D. Wells
Maybe they should call it CANOLA JOES instead of Trader Joes since nearly all of their processed products contain rapeseed oil
Many decades ago a Canadian scientist figured out how to turn deadly rapeseed oil, a known insecticide, into a cheap, “FDA-approved” oil to be used as a preservative in foods. Now canola oil is a top export from Canada to the USA, and several “natural food” stores, including Trader Joes and Whole Foods, are putting […]
By S.D. Wells
11 BIGGEST holiday health mistakes
Canola, canola, it’s everywhere you turn. Check those organic salad dressings. It’s even lurking where you least expect it. Bugs won’t eat it. It’s mixed with millions of American products to keep them from spoiling, while it “spoils” your health. Lab tests show canola puts weight gain into overdrive. It also dampens memory, as tested […]
By S.D. Wells
The good, the bad and the ugly about factory farm eggs, including egg whites
Every day Americans eat a combined 200 million eggs, but most consumers would be shocked to find out what the corporate egg industry is hiding. Did you know that hens are genetically manipulated to lay far more eggs each year than they normally might? Instead of laying a dozen (naturally in the wild), they’re laying […]
By S.D. Wells
GOT FOOD OIL POISONING? Physician, author and researcher Dr. Chris A. Knobbe verifies processed oils are at the core of nearly all disease
Have you heard of food oil poisoning? It can wreck entire body systems and exacerbate any and all health issues you already have. It’s not like food poisoning where you get violently sick within 24 hours and vomit repeatedly. It’s a long term health catastrophe, and it’s embedded in the food supply, and that’s why […]
By S.D. Wells
You ARE what you eat, and canola oil makes you FAT and DUMB
All dementia cases have a concurring theme, where the specialized cells in the brain that process and transmit information using chemical and electrical signals are disrupted and dying. Entire networks break down as their connections are clotting and clogged up with plaques, leading to brain cell suicide, also known as brain atrophy. Once this becomes […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 6 ways humans clog their own blood, leading to early death by heart attacks, strokes, cancer and VACCINES
Most of the chronic, degenerative diseases so popular in America today barely existed just four generations ago. Then came commercial cigarettes promoted by doctors, processed food promoted on television, and pharmaceutical concoctions to alleviate symptoms of blood diseases and cell disorders that are all preventable. No other nation on earth consumes as much dairy as […]
By S.D. Wells
The top 8 ways Americans pollute their body every day, compromising their immunity and making every cold and flu more deadly
If most Americans did not pollute their body every day with toxins posing as food and medicine, they really wouldn’t have to worry about being immune compromised, which is the perfect bait for “Covid.” Since we’ve recently learned that “Covid-19,” along with “Delta” and “Lambda” variants are nothing more than a head cold, common virus […]
By S.D. Wells
The top 10 most QUESTIONABLE INGREDIENTS purposely put in today’s already dirty vaccines
Today’s vaccines are “dirty” for more than a few reasons, and in many different ways. First off, FDA inspectors recently found horrific conditions at a plant that was manufacturing J&J vaccines, and more than 15 million doses of the batched, contaminated and outright dirty concoctions had to be trashed. We’re talking about epic failure when […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 foods and beverages you probably had NO IDEA contain chemical pesticides
Are you eating pest killer food? Would you eat a plate of food if someone accidentally sprayed the whole dish with bug killer or weed killer? Are you one of those people who think there’s no cure for cancer, while you consume pesticides all day long? If you don’t want to die like a roach in […]
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