News & Articles By Zoey Sky
By Zoey Sky
Did you know it could do all that? 12 creative uses for coffee
Most people need a cup of joe before they’re ready to start the day. However, these 12 uses for coffee in your homestead ensures that you can use this versatile brew for more than a daily caffeine boost. (h/t to What to do with a warm cup of coffee: Caffeine boost – A hot […]
By Zoey Sky
Another reason to go Mediterranean: Research shows the diet helps protect older adults from becoming frail, prolonging health and independence
Healthcare experts advocate the Mediterranean diet because of its various health benefits. According to the analysis of several studies, this particular diet can even “reduce the risk of frailty in older individuals.” The findings were published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. The analysis indicates the Mediterranean diet, which mainly features plant-based foods, like “fruits and vegetables, […]
By Zoey Sky
A student has discovered that feeding cows microalgae increases the omega-3s in cheese
A recent study has proven that feeding cows microalgae can increase the omega-3 fatty acid content of the milk they produce. Bethan Till, a Ph.D. student at Harper Adams University, reports that her project, which involved feeding cows microalgae to increase the omega-3 content of their milk, was successful. The cows that she observed for her […]
By Zoey Sky
Thirty new studies confirm it: Sweet drinks cause weight gain, obesity in children and adults – experts call for action to reduce consumption
According to the results of a systematic review, sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) are associated with obesity in children and adults. Researchers have studied the latest data concerning SSBs, and at least 30 studies from 2013 to 2015 point to the link between SSBs and obesity. Experts warn countries who have yet to do so that they must […]
By Zoey Sky
Fat, sick, distracted citizens are easier to control: Children’s entertainment designed to promote unhealthy lifestyle, scientists discover
According to a recent study, parents may need to pay closer attention to the animated movies that their children watch because these films could be “fueling the obesity crisis.” Almost all films for children showcase unhealthy food. Out of all the top-grossing children’s films released in recent years, 87 percent show unhealthy food and all of them […]
By Zoey Sky
Health boost for wine: Researchers have developed a device to filter out the sulfites used for preservation
While sulfites are used to preserve wine and food products, they can cause an allergy-like reaction in people who are sensitive to the compounds. Now, a group of researchers has revealed that they are developing a device that can be used to filter sulfites in wine. Sulfites are compounds that include sulfur dioxide and sulfite […]
By Zoey Sky
How about a peanut butter and kale sandwich? Study shows that peanut butter enhances the vitamin A value of kale
It looks like aside from the classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich, there’s another — and healthier — way to enjoy peanut butter. According to a recent study, adding peanut butter to kale can boost the latter’s vitamin A value. According to researchers from South Korea, U.S., and Zimbabwe, peanut butter can help boost the […]
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