By S.D. Wells
Top 8 carcinogenic food additives and ingredients BANNED nearly everywhere in the world except … wait for it … the United States of America
There’s one reason the United States has such loose regulations when it comes to allowing known carcinogens and health-crippling chemicals to be put in our most popular food products: It’s a big bread winner for the pharmaceutical industry. Why? It’s almost inevitable in America that once you start reeling from the effects of eating chemicals […]
By Tracey Watson
CDC pushing scare stories about RAW MILK, but won’t dare talk about the health risks of mercury in vaccines
The boom in sales of raw milk and other raw dairy products countrywide has the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in a tizzy, and the U.K.’s Daily Mail is reporting that the agency is speaking out against the “fad.” Should you be concerned if, for health or other reasons, your family has […]
By Mike Adams
Incredibly disturbing animation reveals how vaccines are really made… WARNING: this will turn your stomach
Isn’t it interesting how so many people scrutinize the ingredients in the groceries they buy, yet they allow themselves to be injected with vaccines without having any clue what ingredients they contain? Vaccines are deliberately made with all sorts of bizarre ingredients, the CDC confirms. These ingredients include toxic heavy metals, animal blood components, human […]
By Mike Adams
Five years of PROOF that the CDC knows vaccines still contain mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, antibiotics and MSG… all of which are toxic to human biology
Have you ever wondered what’s really in vaccines? According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s vaccine additives page, all the following ingredients are routinely used as vaccine additives: • Aluminum – A toxic metal linked to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. You should never inject yourself with aluminum, obviously. Read the Natural News article: Aluminum […]
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